Optical inspection is a profession which combines certain number of technical competencies, where engineering is the leading part. To glue all this competencies together you need a powerful software and therefore a powerful team.

Our software team is extremely powerful, because we have developed all the image filters and all the image manipulations in-house. We are able to react on your needs.

If the customer, the application or your process needs some special computation to SEE the failed regions and to separate them from the correct regions, the correct components, we are here to solve it. The Wickon Hightech software team is easily great, it´s members never give up and at the end we find a way to detect. Our big wish is to stabilize your process to help you getting an easier life.

We have the data chain for industry 4.0. From the development data we generate the needed information for the inspection. And the inspection results are then available for your MES via SECS/GEAM or OPC UA. Whatever you need to improve in your processes we will deliver the data for. Logically do we support our image grabbing, our image manipulation algorithms with Machine Learning based on AI.

Our software team is not only dealing with one image, like on a lot of solutions at the world market, we deal with several images, made with several lights. This possibilities are expanding our inspection abilities nearly in an endless way. Clear is that we can combine 2D images with 3D images for your process needs, just tell it us.